Writing for errors

Thoughtful error messaging design reduces support requests and helps users understand a system.

What is an error?#

An error occurs when users expect one thing to happen, but either something else — or nothing — happens. Errors can cause frustration, confusion, a loss of data, or more labor for users. These moments make it harder for people to get things done.

At Adobe, the audiences for error messages span a wide variety of people. The language we use can vary depending on the audience and the context. But ultimately, these kinds of messages need to be in service of the end user, regardless of their skill sets or technical familiarity.

These messages often bring frustrating news, and can be highly visible and memorable, so they need to be relevant, useful, and clear. We show users error messages to let them know what happened, what the cause of the error was, and what (if anything) they can do to resolve it.

Error message design foundations#

For error scenarios, content and design are inseparable. It’s crucial to know what you need to say (the message), and how you’re going to say it (the design).

Avoid showing a message whenever possible#

The best error message is no error happening at all. The message — and the error itself — are disruptive to a user’s experience and can stand in the way of them accomplishing their task. Make sure that the system can anticipate and address errors on the back end before showing an error message on the front end.

Find ways to avoid the error altogether, like by using in-line validation, visual cues, and disabled states to guide users. Ensure your design is as inclusive as possible by anticipating and accommodating multiple spellings of words in search queries and results.

Key example of a correct way to avoid showing an error message in an interaction. A text area component, label Description (required), with two buttons in the disabled state, labels Cancel, Submit.

Use the disabled states of components to communicate that next steps are unavailable unless a user takes an action first.

Key example of an unsatisfactory error message design. A text area component, label Description (required), has two buttons in the active state, labels Cancel and Submit. An animation shows a cursor hovering over the text area, not entering any text, and clicking the Submit button. After clicking, a red error icon and a red in-line error message appear, with the message saying Enter your description.

Don't create unnecessary error messages as a workaround to unintuitive design.

Have the system automatically resolve errors#

Error messaging should be a last resort. Try whenever possible to design experiences in a way that the UI doesn’t rely on showing error messages or prompting direct user action to resolve an error.

For example, if a user were to input “101” when a field can only accept numbers up to 100 (such as showing percentages), automatically revert the entered value to 100.

Key example of a design that automatically resolves an error. A user inputs a value of 101 percent into a text field, label Opacity. After the user input, the system automatically changes the value to 100 percent.
Key example of a design that does not resolve errors on the back end and shows an unnecessary error message. A user inputs a value of 101 percent into a text field, label Opacity. After the user input, the system shows a field error icon and an error message saying Enter a valid percentage.

Choose the message first, then the component#

Error messages appear in the wrong UI components all too often. A complex message is usually too long and too complicated for a toast, and a short and straightforward message is far too much for an alert dialog. Errors that are lower in signal or consequence shouldn’t warrant a dialog that blocks the entire experience, and errors that are high priority shouldn’t appear in a toast with a timeout of only a few seconds.

Write out what the message should say, free of any UI constraints, to understand how you should say it. Then, determine the right component for the message. Learn which component to use, when.

Key example of a correct way to choose a proper design component for an error message. An error alert dialog includes an error icon, and contains a high-signal, complex error message. Dialog title, Unable to share. Dialog description, An error occurred while sharing your project. Please verify the email address and try again. One button, label OK.
Key example of an incorrect way to pair a design component with an error message. An error toast includes a message that is too long and high-signal for the component. Toast text, Unable to share. An error occurred while sharing your project. Please verify the email address and try again.

Anatomy of an error message#

Regardless of the design component or message length, the most comprehensive error messages include three distinct communication parts:

  • What happened
  • The underlying cause (if possible)
  • How to fix it

Not every error message you'll write will follow this framework, but many will. Depending on your audience or the situation, it may not be necessary or relevant to communicate the underlying cause.

Diagram illustrating through labels the communication parts of an error message. The text of an error dialog, in 3 distinct communication parts. First part, the title, what happened. Text, Your file could not be saved. Second part, the underlying cause, first sentence of the dialog description. Text, There was an error in connecting to the server, so this file was not saved to your cloud documents. Third part, how to fix it or become unblocked, second sentence of the dialog description. Text, Please wait a few seconds and try saving the file again. If the problem continues, let us know.Diagram illustrating through labels the communication parts of an error message. The text of an error dialog, in 3 distinct communication parts. First part, the title, what happened. Text, Your file could not be saved. Second part, the underlying cause, first sentence of the dialog description. Text, There was an error in connecting to the server, so this file was not saved to your cloud documents. Third part, how to fix it or become unblocked, second sentence of the dialog description. Text, Please wait a few seconds and try saving the file again. If the problem continues, let us know.

What happened#

This should be the first part of the message, like in a headline (if the UI element allows). Be sure to communicate the general outcome of the error. Use plain language and focus on what it means to the user.


Your files didn’t sync

Your campaign couldn’t be created



This operation has failed to execute

The underlying cause#

It’s helpful to have an explanation of why something happened, if there’s space to include it. Explaining the cause is optional depending on the context; sometimes this can increase a user’s understanding, but sometimes it gets in the way of useful, usable information.


We're unable to install or update {appName} due to insufficient disk space. (Error code: 189)

The installer can't download {appName} because Adobe’s servers aren’t reachable. Check the Adobe status page for an outage and retry the installation later. (Error code: 206)


We're unable to install or update {appName}.

The installer cannot download {appName} because Adobe’s servers aren’t reachable. This may be due to user error, employee error, or something else. Check the Adobe status page for an outage and retry the installation later. (Error code: 206)

How to fix it#

This part tells the user what they can do about it. If there’s nothing for them to do, then explain what the product is doing. This should be as simple and actionable as possible. Offer a path forward within the error state itself, such as a “Try again” or “Go back” button, or a step-by-step resolution in the error message text.

Linking to a help article can be useful, but only if that article is specific and descriptive to the error’s use case. Try to avoid generic, catch-all resolutions like “Contact your IT administrator for details.”


Select “try again” to attempt to sync your files again.

Go to Settings > General and turn on “Cloud file syncing” to try again.


Upload your files one more time.

Be empathetic to users, not the system#

Error messaging, like all in-product content, prioritizes the humans that use interfaces over system technicalities.

Center the language around user goals, not system constraints#

Sometimes it seems like the best way to resolve an error is to explain the constraints of the system to the user. But, most users don’t care about the constraints of the system — they care about accomplishing their goals.

Center the language around what the user is trying to accomplish, why that didn’t happen, and how they might resolve the error.


Accept the End User License Agreement terms.


There was a RAISE without a handler.

Use plain language, and avoid jargon#

Users may not understand server architecture or client-side queries. Know your audience, and write your error messages in plain, usable language so that your user will understand what went wrong and how it’s being resolved.

Technical terms are different than jargon. If you’re confident that your audience would be readily familiar with technical terms, and if such terms are relevant to the message, you can include them.


Due to a connection error, some results may be unavailable.


Due to a server-side connectivity failure, some results may be unavailable.

Don’t blame the user, even if the error is their fault#

Some errors are outside of a user’s control, but they can happen because of a direct user action. While you want to tell a user what happened, don’t sound accusatory or that you’re blaming them — we want them to feel supported and taken care of in any experience.


Your computer appears to be offline. Connect to the internet and try again. (Error code: 206)


You went offline. Connect to the internet and try again. (Error code: 206)

Include error codes only if useful and relevant#

Again, think about your audience. Include an error code or other technical information if your users would benefit from having it in order to resolve the error.

Put error codes at the end of the message so that readers aren’t potentially overwhelmed with information they may not understand at the start.


This profile is currently unavailable. Try reloading the page. (Error code: 10213)

This error message shows the error code as a reference for contacting tech support.

Be as useful as possible#

Error messages are opportunities to help users confidently move forward. When writing them, think about the most straightforward path to a solution, then clearly describe it.

Use positive framing to keep the focus on what users can do#

While a user will want to know what went wrong, be as clear as possible about what they can do to fix the error, or provide them with an alternative workaround. Sometimes it’s simple (“try again in a few minutes”) and sometimes the only solution can be time-intensive or potentially frustrating (“contact your IT administrator”).

Avoid putting the focus on the problem, what a user can’t do, or what they did incorrectly. Instead, offer context and help people understand what they can do.


Enter your system administrator password to continue. Check for an OS prompt and follow the instructions.

The installer shut down unexpectedly. Please select Retry to restart the process. (Error code: 305)


Enter your system administrator password to continue.

The installer shut down unexpectedly.

Create error states that are specific to each case whenever possible#

It may be tempting to write a catch-all error message to accommodate dozens of similar scenarios, but that will tend to be wordier and less concise. When users need to understand multiple causes of the error — and also figure out which one applies in their scenario — that creates a lot of unnecessary cognitive load in an experience.

Creating multiple, more specific error messages takes additional effort, but it ultimately creates a better user experience. Having these can also provide clearer insights and analytics that can help identify and resolve common pain points — and show you how to prevent errors from happening in your product in the first place.


Your wifi connection is unstable and affecting download speed. Try switching to an ethernet cable.


There’s an issue wrong with your internet connection. It could be your wifi, router, modem, or ethernet cable.

While the error should be specific, use generic language#

Generic language allows for better localization, and it also reduces the need to write many different versions of messages for similar use cases. It’s usually unnecessary to include specific filenames, usernames, or folders because a user can get that context from elsewhere in the UI.


Your document could not be saved. Please try again.


Your document “Final-proposal-May-Monthly-Meeting.indd” could not be saved to the library “May Proposals”

Writing the error message#

Using voice#

As with all other in-product writing, error messaging should follow Spectrum’s in-product voice principles: Rational (clear and understandable), Human (friendly, honest, and responsible), and Focused (concise and simple).

Using tone#

Tone is a strategic tool to help a user accomplish goals and more easily relate to a system. Tone changes depending on the audience, context, and severity of an error.

Here are a few tones for common error messages:

ToneWhen to useExampleInstructiveFor low-volume, low-consequence errors. When you just want to tell users about an error state.Unable to load this page.ReassuringFor minor errors. When you know the user is worried about something, and want them to know there's help available.Our servers timed out and we couldn’t save your file. Please try again, and if the problem persists, contact your IT administrator.SupportiveFor big errors where something bad has happened. When we want to acknowledge that the user is upset and want to inform, guide, and support them.We’re sorry, but we couldn’t renew your subscription because your credit card has expired. You still have 90 days to recover your files and apps by renewing your subscription with an active card. Contact us if we can help you get set up!

Don’t apologize unless it’s warranted#

Apologizing for minor mistakes or when the system is not at fault sounds insincere, and it gets in the way of the important parts of a message.

Save “sorry” for serious errors: when there’s data loss or something requires a user to take a major action to resolve the issue.


We couldn’t post your comment. Try again


Oops! So sorry, but we couldn’t post your comment. Try again

Use passive voice sparingly#

Try to write in active voice, which is quicker and easier to parse. Passive voice is useful to soften a message that might otherwise come across as blunt or terse, especially when the error was caused through user action or inaction.


We couldn’t save your changes. Please try again.

Your credit card could not be charged. Please add an active card to continue your subscription.


Your changes could not be saved. Please try again.

You didn’t add a new card after your current card expired, so if you want to continue your subscription, add it now.

Own mistakes, and help users parse complicated actions with “we” and “you”#

We typically avoid referring to ourselves — meaning “we,” the interface — in UI copy because it adds unnecessary cognitive load. But, directly referring to the interface as "we" and to the user as "you" in an error message can be a clear and helpful way to answer the questions "where did this go wrong?" and "who needs to take action to fix it?"


Something went wrong and we couldn’t generate your report. Please try again in a few minutes.


Experience Cloud encountered an error and this report couldn’t be generated. The user can try again in a few minutes.

Choosing the right error message component#

Choose your component based on your error message — not the other way around. Always have the error message ready before determining how to show it.

When you have your error message ready, then consider how it will fit within the interaction design. Think about what user or system action triggers the error, how contextually or spatially relevant it is to where a user is in the UI, and what a user may be doing in the moment before the error would appear.

Use this framework when deciding which component to use:

How consequential is the error?
Low consequence
It’s a simple error that can easily be resolved.
High consequence
It’s a high-stakes error, potentially destructive, and is a big deal to the user.
How complicated is the error?
Low complication
There’s not much we need to explain to the user beyond how it affects their experience right now.
High complication
The circumstances or points of failure are long or specific, and the user needs to know about it.
Can the user do anything to resolve the error?
Low action
The user can’t do anything, or just needs to “try again.”
High action
The user needs to actively resolve the error, like change a setting or restart an app.

Try keeping to one error message per component, to help users more easily parse the information. For multiple errors that can appear at once, like toasts, these will stack based on timing and severity to let users acknowledge each error individually.

Spectrum has several different types of components for showing error messages. Here’s how to choose which would be the best for your use case.

Key example of an error alert dialog, including an error icon, showing a suitable error message. Dialog title, Unable to share. Dialog description, An error occurred while sharing your project. Please verify the email address and try again. One button, label OK.

Alert dialog#

  • Consequence: High
  • Complication: High
  • Action: High

Alert dialogs appear over the interface to show important information that a user needs to acknowledge or make a decision about before moving forward. This is a common error message component for letting someone know about a change or action they took or need to take, but it’s often more disruptive than it needs to be. Use alert dialogs consciously; even if the message is important, they are still highly interruptive to an experience.

Alert dialogs are associated with task-level (rather than system-level) errors. Use these for consequential, complicated, timely, actionable errors that block a user from moving forward. Some examples of scenarios where an alert dialog may be appropriate are:

  • A message telling the user that a file can’t be shared because of an invalid email address
  • A user can’t sign on because their account has been compromised
  • A CSV with a list of email addresses for a bulk upload couldn’t be processed because it was formatted incorrectly

View the content standards for alert dialogs.

Key example of a red, negative semantic variant alert banner, showing a suitable error message. Text, connection interrupted.

Alert banner#

  • Consequence: Low
  • Complication: Low
  • Action: High

Alert banners show system-level, pressing, and high-signal messages. They’re meant to be noticed and prompt users to take an action. The red (negative) and grey (neutral) semantic variants are both associated with error messages.

Use an alert banner for a message that isn’t directly related to an action that a user would have just taken, but is still high-signal and needs attention. It's also ideal for communicating connectivity errors.

View the content standards for alert banners.

Two key examples of using help text for error messaging with in-line validation. First example, a required text field in an error state, bordered in red and including a red error icon. Text field label, Credit card number. Error message in red text, Enter your credit card number. Second example, a required text field in an error state, bordered in red and including a red error icon. Text field label, Password. Error message in red text, Create a password with at least 8 characters.

Help text#

  • Consequence: Low
  • Complication: Low
  • Action: High

Help text provides an in-line error message that’s associated with an input, giving more context and guidance to help a user successfully complete an interaction.

These kinds of error messages communicate what to input or select, or sometimes how to do it. The message can include information such as hints for what kind of information needs to be input or selected to move forward in a flow, or share specific formatting examples or requirements. Multiple instances of help text showing in-line validation errors can be aggregated into an in-line alert.

View the guidelines for writing error messages using help text.

Key example of a red, negative semantic variant in-line alert showing a suitable error message. Title, Unable to process payment. Description, There was an error processing your payment. Please check that your credit card information is correct, then try again.

In-line alert#

  • Consequence: Any
  • Complication: High
  • Action: High

In-line alerts display a non-modal message associated with objects in a view. These are often used in form validation, providing a place to aggregate feedback related to multiple fields into a single message for higher visibility. The red (negative) and orange (notice) semantic variants are for use with error messages.

Use in-line alerts to combine multiple input errors into a single error message, or for cases when a dialog would be too interruptive to an experience but an error message still needs to be shown in order for a user to proceed with a task.

Key example of a red, negative semantic variant toast, showing a suitable error message. Text, Unable to delete file.


  • Consequence: Low
  • Complication: Low
  • Action: Low

Toasts display brief, temporary notifications. They’re noticeable but don’t disrupt the user experience, and they don’t require an action to be taken in response to the message. The red (negative) semantic variant is associated with an error message.

Use toasts to communicate error messages that are contextual or triggered by a user action (e.g., moving an item, taking an action on something in a canvas). Whenever possible, include an in-line action on a toast with an error message so that a user can readily address it.

View the content standards for toasts.